The following ingredients should be avoided by all Muslims:
Lard All forms should be avoided except for Plant/Microbial/Synthetic.
The fat of pigs or hogs melted down and made clear. Lard is made especially of the internal fat of the abdomen and is used in cooking.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
Gelatin An odorless, tasteless, protein substance like glue or jelly obtained by boiling the bones, hoofs, and other waste parts of animals. It dissolves easily in hot water and is used in making jellied salads and desserts, camera film, and glue.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
Pepsin An enzyme in the gastric juice of the stomach that helps to digest meat, eggs, cheese, and other proteins.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
Enzymes Microbial Enzymes are okay
A protein substance produced in living cells, that influences a chemical reaction within a plant Or animal without being changed itself an organic catalyst. Enzymes help break down food so that it can be digested. Pepsin is an enzyme.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
Rennet Substance containing rennin, obtained from the stomach of a calf or other ruminant, used for curdling milk in making cheese and junket.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
They Should be avoided unless it is made using vegetables.
The watery part of milk that separates from the curd when milk sours and becomes coagulated or when cheese is made.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
Rennet is used to curd the milk. Whey should be avoided because the rennet used to curd the milk could be from a haram or non-Zabihah animal.
Vanilla Extract A flavoring extract made from the vanilla bean and used in candy, ice cream, and perfumes.
(Source: World Book Dictionary Millennium 2000 Edition)
The flavor extracted from vanilla beans is soluble only in alcohol. Documentation from a distributor of vanilla extract shows that the ingredient contains over 50% alcohol.
IMPORTANT: Look out for these ingredients when you shop. Always remember to read the ingredients before you buy any food product.
What is HALAL?
"Halal" is a Quranic Term, which means 'Lawful' or 'Permitted'. Sometimes it is translated as 'Acceptable' or 'Not forbidden'. Halal foods and drinks are permitted for consumption by Allah- the supreme lawgiver. In the Holy Quran, Allah commands Muslims and all of mankind to eat of the Halal things. Eating Halal is obligatory.
What is HARAM?
The opposite of 'Halal' is "Haram", which means 'Unlawful' or 'Prohibited". The other words used for Haram is 'Unacceptable' or 'Forbidden'. Haram foods and drinks are absolutely prohibited for consumption by Allah. Eating Haram is forbidden for every Muslim. If a Muslim consumes Haraam foods, he would be sinful.
The following products are definitely Halal:
1.Milk (from cows, sheeps, camels or goats).
4.Plants which are not intoxicant.
5.Fresh or naturally frozen vegetables.
6.Fresh or dried fruits.
7.Legumes like peanuts, cashew nuts, hazel nuts, walnuts, etc.
8.Grains such as wheat, rice, rye, barley, oat, etc.
Animals such as cows, sheep, goats, deer, moose, chickens, ducks, game birds, etc., are also Halal, but they must be Zabihah (slaughtered according to Islamic Rites) in order to be suitable for consumption. The procedure is as follows: the animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim by putting the animal down on the ground (or holding it if it is small) and slitting it's throat with a very sharp knife to make sure that the main blood vessels are cut. While cutting the throat of the animal without severing it, the person has to recite "Bismillah Allah-u-Akbar".
The following items have been categorically spelled out as being Haram:
1.Pig/Swine/Pork and its by-products.
2.Blood and and blood by-products.
3.Carnivorous animals.
4.Reptiles and insects.
Halal animals which are not slaughtered according to the Islamic Law.
Animals killed in the name of anyone other than God.
The bodies of dead animals or dead before slaughtering.
Alcohol and intoxicants such as Wine, Ethyl Alcohol, and Spirits etc.
The above mentioned items are Haram and should be strictly avoided by all Muslims.
Foods containing ingredients in the following are example of Mushbooh:
-Glycerol/glycerin etc.
Muslim should avoid such foods containing Mushbooh or questionable ingredients. Before consuming such items, we have to confirm the source of these ingredients.
What Is Mushbooh?
"Mushbooh" is an Arabic term which means 'doubtful' or 'suspected'. If one does not know the Halal or Haram status of a particular food or drink, such a food or drink is doubtful. A practicing Muslims prevents himself from consuming doubtful things.